Are you expecting a refund on your 2011 taxes? If so, then you probably want to file as soon as you possibly can in order to get the money back as quickly as possible. This is quite normal, but if you want to file as soon as you can then you will want to get organized now. For example, taxfiling requires that you have all of your financial information close by. Since you will need this information, you should go ahead and create a tax file. Free Federal Tax preparation of this nature will keep you prepared and allow you to easily file your taxes when the time comes.
The things you need to keep in this file folder include receipts and things of that nature if you will be itemizing your taxes. You will also want to keep track of your expenses, mileage, doctor's visits, student loan interest, rental income, and the like when you are preparing your taxes for your free efile. You will find that you are much happier when it comes time to file because you have everything you could possibly need located in your tax file folder. So, when a question is asked you can find the information and answer it within moments. This is the best way to save time when it comes to efiling.
Remember, that you can have a tax file folder you use all year long. Then, when you have qualifying expenses, charitable donations, or the like, you simply add the information to your file folder and it will sit there waiting for you. That way, when you need this information you will have it and you will be so relieved that you can claim all of your exemptions because you have all of the information located close by to claim. You will also love the fact that you can file your taxes early simply because you were organized and kept all of your tax information in one convenient location. If you get into the practice of this then every single year you will be able to file your taxes early and receive your tax refund early, too. There is no reason to get all caught up in the rush to file your taxes on the very last day when you could easily keep up with your tax information all year long and then simply pull it out when filing time comes. This will save you a lot of stress as well as time looking for documents so give it a try. You will find it is not so difficult to keep up with a tax folder and that it really is a great idea.